Interdisciplinary Studies and Strategic Initiatives

Interdisciplinary studies integrates insights from multiple disciplines to address pressing, complex problems and difficult questions. By breaking boundaries, Bradley University will educate agile problem-solvers with the fluency – knowledge, skills, dispositions, and experiences – to work collaboratively with diverse individuals across disciplinary lines and professional fields to address twenty-first century challenges.

Why interdisciplinary studies?

  • Integrative learning where students make connections across disciplines is a key outcome for undergraduate education. Bradley’s Multidisciplinary Integration (MI) Core Curriculum requirement reflects the value of integrative learning.
  • Increasingly, scholarship builds bridges across disciplines in efforts to innovate and tackle difficult questions. Collaboration to address difficult questions is at the heart of the exciting Innovation for Health initiative.
  • Addressing big questions from multiple perspectives is a feature of high impact practices in higher education.
  • Convergence is the centerpiece of interdisciplinary activities within the Colleges of Engineering and Business at Bradley University. In partnership with external stakeholders, it encompasses teaching and scholarly activities across two or more disciplines aimed at generating a positive social impact.

Bradley University’s 2021 Strategic Plan seeks to enhance and develop interdisciplinary programs and initiatives. The Interdisciplinary Studies Advisory Committee works collaboratively to advance Bradley University’s strategically aligned initiatives and activities The recipients of several university-wide awards were announced in spring 2022.

Interdisciplinary activities at Bradley University are those that involve:

  • Connecting knowledge, standards and perspectives from two or more disparate fields of study to explore broad themes or complex problems.
  • Adapting and applying skills, abilities, theories or methodologies gained from two or more disparate fields of study to create a deeper understanding of a complex topic or solve complex problems.

Adapted from: Multidisciplinary Integration Curricular Elements at Bradley University