Library Usability Study

Participants Needed For Library Usability Study

We are seeking current students and employees of Bradley University to participate in a user experience research study for the Cullom-Davis Library.

Participants must be:

  • Current undergraduate/graduate student at Bradley University
  • Current employee (faculty or staff) at Bradley University
  • If student, attending in-person classes (no online-only program students)
  • At least 18 years of age

Participating in the study is convenient. Participants will individually meet with a librarian for about an hour (or less!) during the fall semester at the library and be given searching tasks to complete in the library catalog interface. Participants will complete the tasks and verbally describe their thought process in completing the task.

Your feedback will help improve searching for library materials!

Snacks will be provided. No direct compensation will be included. This study poses no more risk than expected in daily life.


Fill out this volunteer form:

Volunteer Form

Or contact:
Christina Norton, principal investigator
(309) 677-3465